Healing Helps

Healing Helps

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With almost 35 years of experience, owner Bernadette McPhillips has recently moved to Gorey town and relocated her Therapy Practice, Healing Helps to North Wexford. She trained as a Counsellor and Healer over 20 years ago and has run a busy practice in Dublin before moving to Gorey. Bernadette believes her work is a great inspiration to her and she is constantly learning from those she works with and the positive growth she sees in her clients is both movitating and rewarding.

She offers three main therapeutic options:

Intuitive Counselling

Intuitive Counselling starts with where you are, here and now. You are helped in a caring and confidential way to clarify and find understanding of the problem, yourself and what outcomes you wish to have. Sometimes a person comes with one issue and underneath that there may be knots that need to be unraveled, so that the fuller picture can emerge.
The aim of Intuitive Counselling is to empower you to reach solutions and build inner strength as quickly as possible. To enable this, there may be issues from the past which need to be looked at in order to bring more understanding to the present. This is always with your full agreement, and proceeds at your pace.

For example, a person may come with a difficulty at home. Relationships with some family members may be strained. (This can be more present during our current challenging times).
We explore what is happening in that situation. This may highlight some issues in your way of communicating with others, perhaps a lack of confidence or belief in yourself? Or perhaps there may be adjustments needed in boundaries within family relationships.
From there we may explore how other relationships in your life are and how you would like them to be. We would look at ways of taking a step by step approach to developing your confidence, building on each step to empower yourself towards meaningful and effective relationships, with the fundamental foundation of respect.
Throughout this you would be given much support, encouragement and practical tools and techniques to help you in your everyday life.
In each session we would look at what works for you and what you find less helpful, thus tailoring the progress to suit your needs.

Pure Spiritual Healing

When we are fully well our energy flows freely maintaining balance in mind body and spirit. This healthy flow of energy is disrupted to some extent when we become unwell, or dis-eased in some way, and we are not able to access it fully. Thus we can become very low in energy, or over time, develop an illness or condition.
Pure Spiritual Healing works to restore the balance in our system, whether the cause is physical, mental, or emotional, and to help heal the underlying cause of the problem.
What Happens During A Healing Session?

Firstly, the Consultation time gives the opportunity for the person to see and understand better how their energy can be enhanced, and ways in which they can help themselves with the many practical and effective tools and breaths which are taught.
The person then receives the healing on a healing table, whilst fully clothed, and covered in a blanket.
The great majority of people feel very relaxed and soothed following the healing.

Some of the conditions and issues which are helped include:-
• Bereavement (often alongside Intuitive Counselling)
• Back-pain
• Headaches
• Depression & Anxiety
• Physical illnesses and Conditions
• Addictions
• Self-esteem
• Anger and frustration
• Panic attacks
• Worrying thoughts and feelings
• Relationship and family problems
• Financial worries
• Stress
• Finding your spiritual connection
• Low energy
• Recovery from surgery or trauma
Adjustment to changes in life (including our current very challenging times)

Pure Meditative Peace and Mindfulness

Pure Meditative Peace training encompasses the aspects of mindfulness and is a first step towards Pure Meditation, a very beautiful and complete Meditation. Pure Meditative Peace is a practice in its own right. It is very suitable for those who haven’t previously experienced meditation. It stills the body and begins to still the mind, also giving many other benefits, including
• Deep relaxation
• inner peace
• increased confidence
• enhanced creativity
• assistance to balance blood pressure and reduce headaches
• the ability to deal much better with stress and challenges

Pure Meditation is a life-transforming, depth meditation of great beauty and richness. It is the ultimate Course for the whole being: mind, body and spirit – and is for people of all backgrounds and beliefs. It works to realise your inner Wisdom, Connection and to bring Love, Peace, Joy and Fulfillment to all aspects of your life.
This Course is taught in small groups, and will help you to learn how to master your mind and energies in today’s challenging world.



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