Tidy Towns News

Tidy Towns

Gorey Tidy Towns, is a group of volunteers who strive to make Gorey a more pleasant and clean place to live and work.

The Tidy Towns volunteers undertake projects to improve areas within the town.With partnership, consultation and encouragement, the Tidy Towns Committee encourage & support local residents, in the completion and ongoing maintenance of the project.

Gorey town residents, business owners, schools and all community organisations are encouraged and welcomed to join the Tidy Towns efforts to participate, initiate and maintain current projects and future efforts. Future projects will include the creation or regeneration of green spaces, promotion and protection of natural environments for wildlife, planting of trees and other plants which provide food or shelter to insects, animals and birds. The erection of bird and bat nesting boxes and feeding tables is an ongoing activity.


Many people think that Tidy Towns is involved solely in the litter clean ups that take place at regular times throughout the year, however this is not the case as the competition consists of ten categories against which points are awarded so the committee have to put some effort into each category in order to score well in the competition.The volunteer committee works tirelessly all year round but more help is needed.

Some adjudication categories require the co-operation and input of the Council, businesses and households within the town. These include The Build Environment, Landscaping, Residential Areas and Roads, Streets and Back Areas. A little input from a lot of people would make such a difference to our town. Businesses and shops can help by maintaining their premises and frontage in good order and repair. It is a legal requirement that they, and all households, keep the front of their premises free of litter and Gorey Tidy Towns would encourage everyone to clear up once or twice a day.
The benefits a tidy town attracts are often not appreciated by the businesses or residents within that town and these are often considerable. Companies looking for new locations to expand to take into consideration many factors relating to the selected town including the environment into which they would wish their staff to locate.

Existing local businesses benefit from the additional customers attracted by new companies, expanding population and improvements to the infrastructure.

School leavers, for many decades faced with the prospect of emigration, commuting or living away from home have a greater opportunity of finding suitable rewarding work in their home town. Everyone has something to offer, even if they think it is of no importance, but the old saying “Many hands make light work” still holds true today. You may be surprised at how much enjoyment and satisfaction you can get from improving your town.

If you have even 30 minutes to spare on a Saturday morning, please come along to Gorey Civic Center because your help would be truly appreciated. If you would like to submit any ideas, on how we can make Gorey a more cleaner, environmentally friendly town, then come join us on Saturdays at 10.15am, at Gorey Civic Center.

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