Moving forward with awareness by Berndadette McPhillips of Healing Helps

Now that the clocks have changed again, and Halloween is behind us, Winter approaches with the thought of Christmas. This time of the year has a variety of meanings for people, some loving the colours and the slower pace into which nature leads us, others not so much the longer evenings and nights, with reduced daylight hours.
This year, we continue to live with uncertainty as we slowly emerge from almost two years of Covid 19. What a time of change and challenge it has been, with all the range of emotions and feelings resulting from Lockdowns, and extra pressures upon families, relationships, work, finances, mental health to name but a few.
Nature is at this time slowing down for a resting period. We humans can mirror this in our own way, and to the best of our ability. We may see ways in which we can find more time for activities which are engaging, whilst being quieter, perhaps more meditative. This can tie in well with the longer evenings. Doing this means that we protect our energies for a more harmonious and balanced life.
It feels to me at this time of continuous change that what can make a difference is actually going slower, when I find myself speeding up. Keeping things as simple and uncomplicated as possible allows more space for enjoyment of time with family and friends. This can follow on to inner feelings of much greater peace and balance, resulting in less stress and greater ability to manage life’s challenges. Who wouldn’t want more of that? especially as we start to think of Christmas, and the pressures that many feel around this time!
Five Tips for easing our way forward
• Try and go slower and not allow yourself to be rushed
• See if you can find a few minutes each day just for you – small things can make a big difference! Example, sit and actually ‘stop’ whilst having a cup of tea/coffee.
• Pause every so often. Remember to breathe – focus on your breath for a few moments, and take a couple of deeper breaths in between activities during your day.
• Use your Intuition, asking yourself ‘does this feel the right thing for me to do now’? ‘Do I really need to do that today’? (You may indeed be very busy, but checking in with yourself can make a big difference).
• Stay as much in the present moment as you can, (our minds love to wander into the past or future)! Do the planning you need to do, and then do your best to leave it! Set an intention to enjoy the small wonders in each day.
Finally, why not come and enjoy a lovely balancing, and uplifting energy healing session, on Saturday 20th or Wednesday 24th November?
See the flyer for more information.
Contact Bernadette on 087 132 8579 to make a time for your individual session [email protected]

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